composer 源l:_Visual Composer:名称更改的令人费解的故事
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This sponsored article was created by our content partner, . Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

If you have been a Visual Composer user for some time, you have witnessed some changes happening that might have been a little bit confusing. First, the Visual Composer Page Builder was renamed . Then, a new product called was launched.

如果您已经成为Visual Composer用户已有一段时间了,那么您会目睹一些正在发生的更改,这些更改可能会使您感到困惑。 首先,Visual Composer Page Builder被重命名为 。 然后,启动了一个名为的新产品。

With major changes like that, you might have found yourself wondering…


"What is the difference between them?"


We've noticed many of our users have been confused about these changes — they didn't know if there was any difference between Visual Composer Website Builder and Visual Composer Page Builder.

我们注意到许多用户对这些更改感到困惑-他们不知道Visual Composer网站构建器和Visual Composer页面构建器之间是否有任何区别。


They were confused about WP Bakery: Is this a new product or just a rebranding? How about the Website builder? Is this a 2.0 or an entirely different thing?

他们对WP Bakery感到困惑:这是新产品还是只是品牌重塑? 网站构建器如何? 这是2.0还是完全不同的东西?

With that in mind, we wrote this post to clear up this misunderstanding and apologize for the unpleasant situation we created for our customers.


We're deeply sorry for the confusion created around Visual Composer.

对于Visual Composer造成的混乱,我们深表歉意。

Even more than that, we are sorry for not dealing with this issue as soon as it became an issue. We wrote this post to finally come clean about the whole situation and explain what actually happened.

更重要的是,我们很抱歉没有在这个问题变成问题后立即处理它。 我们写这篇文章是为了最终弄清整个情况并解释实际发生的情况。

You will soon see that it was quite a brain-twisting journey that led us onto this path. Things happened gradually, and the more we tried to "fix" problems along the way, the worse they got.

您很快就会看到,这是一条令人费解的旅程,带领我们走上了这条道路。 事情逐渐发生,我们越努力解决问题,问题越严重。

It all started with the name change.


The first logical question that comes to mind is Why did we decide to change the name in the first place? After all, you have probably seen the Visual Composer name on every major WordPress theme.

想到的第一个逻辑问题是, 为什么我们首先决定更改名称? 毕竟,您可能已经在每个主要的WordPress主题上看到了Visual Composer名称。

Long story short, we didn't have a choice.


If you want to hear the whole story, you can watch the video or read it below.


It all began with our new product, the . And for the record, Visual Composer Website Builder is NOT the same thing as the Visual Composer Page Builder.

这一切都始于我们的新产品 。 作为记录, Visual Composer Website Builder与Visual Composer Page Builder是不同的

The Page Builder was an Envato-exclusive product with a lifetime license. The Website Builder, our new plugin, was more complex and didn't fit the lifetime license model.

Page Builder是具有终身许可证的Envato专用产品。 我们的新插件Website Builder更加复杂,不符合终身许可证模型。

It was richer in features, built for a growing part of our users whose website building needs have rapidly evolved. It was meant to move away from the lifetime license model because the new React.js technical stack meant much higher development costs that could only be sustained with a yearly license model.

它具有更丰富的功能,专为越来越多的网站建设需求快速增长的用户而打造。 它之所以要摆脱终身许可证模型,是因为新的React.js技术堆栈意味着更高的开发成本,而这只能通过年度许可证模型才能承受。

The yearly license model also allowed us to keep in touch with our users and offer them high-quality support. However, there were some essential things we didn't take into consideration when we came up with that plan.

年度许可模式还使我们能够与用户保持联系并为他们提供高质量的支持。 但是,当我们提出该计划时,有一些重要的事情我们没有考虑在内。

We overlooked one crucial detail that forced us into a difficult position.


That was our contractual limitations with the marketplace that made it impossible for us to sell another product under the name of Visual Composer outside their platform.

那是我们与市场的合同限制,这使我们无法在平台以外的地方以Visual Composer的名义出售另一种产品。

Once we realized that, we only had 2 options to choose from:


  1. We could tone down our new product to fit the lifetime license model and put it up on the same marketplace as the Visual Composer Page Builder.

    我们可以调低我们的新产品以适合其终身许可证模型,并将其与Visual Composer Page Builder放在同一市场上。
  2. We could change the name of the Visual Composer Page Builder. That was our only way to lift the contractual limitations we had with the marketplace that sells it.

    我们可以更改Visual Composer页面构建器的名称。 这是我们解除与销售它的市场之间的合同限制的唯一方法。

It was a very difficult decision to make and we knew it shouldn't be taken lightly. After we thought about all the possibilities and options, we decided to change the name of the Visual Composer Page Builder to WP Bakery.

这是一个非常困难的决定,我们知道不应该掉以轻心。 考虑了所有可能性和选项后,我们决定将Visual Composer Page Builder的名称更改为WP Bakery。

And that's how the Visual Composer Page Builder became WP Bakery.

这就是Visual Composer Page Builder成为WP Bakery的方式。

We were so swamped with work on the new product, we didn't even realize what a massive confusion we had created for Visual Composer users.

我们对新产品的工作非常忙,甚至没有意识到我们为Visual Composer用户造成的巨大混乱。

Not only was everybody confused about the name change from Visual Composer Page Builder to , but the users were also completely puzzled about our new product, . They had no idea if this was a new product or just a rebranding of the old one.

不仅每个人都对从Visual Composer Page Builder更改为的名称感到困惑,而且用户也对我们的新产品感到完全困惑。 他们不知道这是新产品还是旧产品的品牌重塑。

When we realized the mistake we made, we decided to walk you through the whole journey to help you understand how things went down and which product is which. Let's start with our new product, Visual Composer Website Builder.

当我们意识到自己犯的错误时,我们决定引导您完成整个过程,以帮助您了解情况如何下降以及哪种产品是哪种。 让我们从我们的新产品Visual Composer Website Builder开始。

What is Visual Composer Website Builder and what does it do?

什么是Visual Composer网站构建器,它有什么作用?

The is a live-preview editor with drag-and-drop features and it comes in two versions; the free version and the Premium version packed with the additional features.

是一种实时预览编辑器,具有拖放功能,它有两个版本。 免费版本和带有附加功能的高级版本。

You can easily implement your vision with the hundreds of ready-to-use content elements while you play around with the drag-and-drop blocks and see the changes instantly.


The Visual Composer Website Builder can be used with any theme; you can easily integrate it into your existing themes; you can choose from a number of cool WordPress templates for all kinds of pages including portfolios, corporate websites, landing pages, product pages, and many more.

Visual Composer网站构建器可以与任何主题一起使用; 您可以轻松地将其整合到您现有的主题中; 您可以从适用于各种页面的许多不错的WordPress模板中进行选择,包括投资组合,公司网站,登录页面,产品页面等等。

There are two types of page editing: frontend editor and tree view. With the tree view, you can easily navigate through the elements available on a page and save a lot of time.

页面编辑有两种类型:前端编辑器和树视图。 使用树形视图,您可以轻松浏览页面上可用的元素并节省大量时间。

One of the coolest features of the Premium version is the header, footer, and sidebar editor, as well as the access to a huge selection of add-ons that you can get from the Visual Composer's dedicated Hub or from the independent developers.

高级版最酷的功能之一是页眉,页脚和侧栏编辑器,以及对大量附加组件的访问,这些附加组件可以从Visual Composer的专用集线器或独立开发人员那里获得。

How is Visual Composer Website Builder different from WP Bakery?

Visual Composer网站生成器与WP Bakery有何不同?

and are two completely different products.


Here are the main differences:


  1. is only for the content part, while Visual Composer Website Builder allows you to build a complete website (with Headers and Footers).

    仅用于内容部分,而Visual Composer Website Builder允许您构建完整的网站(带有页眉和页脚)。

  2. was built from scratch with React.Js and it doesn't use any of the WordPress shortcodes which helps to achieve better performance. WP Bakery, on the other hand, is shortcode based.

    是使用React.Js从头开始构建的,它不使用任何WordPress短代码来帮助获得更好的性能。 另一方面,WP Bakery是基于短码的。

Why is that an important difference?


First of all, Visual Composer Website Builder allows you to generate clean code and it doesn't get messy if you disable the plugin (like it happens with shortcode-based plugins).

首先,Visual Composer Website Builder允许您生成干净的代码,并且在禁用插件的情况下不会混乱(就像基于短码的插件一样)。

Visual Composer Website Builder comes with a cloud-based Hub where you can download the elements you need – and avoid downloading unnecessary assets.

Visual Composer网站构建器带有基于云的集线器,您可以在其中下载所需的元素-避免下载不必要的资产。

If you want to read more about the differences between these two products, click .

如果您想了解有关这两种产品之间差异的更多信息,请单击 。

If you have any questions, please, leave a comment and we will do our best to answer all of them as soon as possible.


Thank you for reading this brain-twisting story of ours. We really appreciate it!

感谢您阅读我们这个令人费解的故事。 我们真的很感激!


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